BMESS Council 2021-2022

Desly Job
Desly is a 3rd-year Software Engineering student with a minor in Biomedical Engineering. As President, Desly acts as the primary representative to the faculty on behalf of the undergraduate students in BME. Hence, through her position she hopes to bridge the gap between faculty and students, whilst ensuring BMESS provides the students with adequate support and opportunities (both social and academic) to grow their network and experiences in Biomedical Engineering. Academically, Desly is interested in learning more about Brain Computer Interfaces and their applications in society. During her spare time, she loves to watch marvel movies and spending time with her family and friends.

Juan Cepeda
Juan is currently in his third year of Chemical Engineering with a minor in Biomedical Engineering. As VP External, Juan aims to increase the number of professional development opportunities for BME students. This year, Juan's primary goal is to showcase the vast range of jobs that BME students can pursue through industry-related events. In addition to BMESS, Juan is an undergraduate student researcher at the Pharmaceutical Production Research Facility; his interests lie in the field of bioprocessing and stem cell research. Outside of academics, Juan enjoys spending quality time with family and friends, learning new sports, and travelling.

Sunaina Rangrajan
Sunaina is a third-year mechanical engineering student with a minor in biomedical engineering. As VP Academic, she hopes to organize events to enhance student-faculty relationships as well as ensure that students have access to helpful academic resources to feel supported throughout their degree. This year, Sunaina would like to promote both research and industry related initiatives to increase student awareness regarding the opportunities available to them. After graduation, Sunaina hopes to pursue a career in biomedical engineering, specifically in innovative product development. In her spare time, she enjoys travelling, playing piano, and working on multimedia projects.

Akanksha Bhargava
Akanksha Bhargava is currently in her third year of Chemical Engineering with a minor in Biomedical Engineering. As VP Internal, Akanksha is excited to create a stronger sense of community for everyone interested in biomedical engineering. In addition to BMESS, Akanksha is the Co-President of WISE and is a PASS Leader for ENGG 201. Her research interests focus on developing a personal technology-based intervention for adolescents with rheumatic disease transitioning from pediatric to adult health care. In her free time, you will find Akanksha baking and cooking, as well as spending time with friends and family.

VP Finance
Madina Shayne
Madina is a 3rd-year mechanical engineering student with a minor in biomedical engineering. As VP Finance, Madina hopes to support the events and activities of BMESS to enrich the experience of biomedical engineering students. She communicates with sponsors and oversees funding and budgets. Outside of academics, Madina enjoys playing piano and flute.

Kate Wagner
Kate is a 2nd-year biomedical engineering student. In the future, Kate plans to pursue a career in tissue engineering. As events commissioner, Kate hopes to create a community throughout the Biomedical Engineering major and minor by creating events and opportunities for the student body to take part in. Outside of academics, Kate loves to spend time with friends and family, bake, and play sports.

Rebecca Pytyck
Rebecca is a second year mechanical engineering student minoring in biomedical engineering. As an events commissioner she hopes to help students enjoy being back on campus and interacting with one another, building a connected community within the biomedical engineering student body as well as reaching out to other disciplines and faculties at the university. In her future Rebecca hopes to be involved in research and manufacturing, creating new and innovative products which will help people in day to day life. When she's not studying she enjoys hiking and yoga or trying other new activities that will get her out of the house.

Desly Job
My name is Desly Job, I am a Software Engineering Student with a minor in Biomedical Engineering. As an events commissioner I hope to raise awareness to biomedical engineering as well as bring students across biomedical engineering as well as other disciplines closer together. I am not too sure of what I want to do specifically in the future, but I'm hoping to expand my knowledge on the interconnection between biomedical and software engineering. I really love the outdoors, spending time with family and friends and re-watching Marvel movies.

Professional Communications Commissioner
Jenna Holloway
I am a second year biomedical engineering student. In the Professional Communications Commissioner role, I hope to strengthen interactions between BMESS and the student body as well as inform students on all BMESS matters. After graduating I hope to work in neural engineering and eventually work towards becoming a professor. In my free time I enjoy reading, knitting, and spending time with family and friends.

Social Media Commissioner
Angad Minhas
Angad is a 3rd-year electrical engineering student with a minor in biomedical engineering. As the social media commissioner, Angad hopes to promote engagement between all students within the minor through the use of social media platforms. He hopes to keep all students informed on fun and exciting events to encourage networking and socialization. Angad is interested in biomedical signal processing and control. In his spare time, Angad enjoys working on cars and travelling.

Academic Commissioner
Tyler Santos
Love sports, friends, learning and hiking. But who can complain about just watching some movies.

Academic Commissioner
Moriah Samcheck
Moriah is a second year Biomedical Engineering student. As Academic Commissioner, Moriah is hoping to create helpful resources that will limit the uncertainties related to the new biomedical major and also support students in the minor. Moriah would also like to promote biomedical engineering related initiatives that will allow students to solve real life biomedical engineering problems. Her research interests include biomechanics and the musculoskeletal system, specifically understanding the progressions of bone related degenerative conditions. On her days off Moriah loves to go hiking, play the guitar, and spend time with family and friends.

Academic Commissioner
Christine Dowling
Christine is currently in her second year majoring in biomedical engineering. As part of the first class in this new major, Christine hopes that working as an academic commissioner can help to build the profile of biomedical engineering at the University of Calgary, and ensure that the content in new classes can adequately prepare graduates for future career opportunities. When she's not at school, Christine enjoys anything involving food, hiking, running and puzzles.

External Commissioner
Caroline Basra
Caroline is a second year software engineering with a minor in biomedical engineering. As an external commissioner, Caroline will be working with the VP external to organize industry related events as well as events on how to prepare for job searching and interviews. Caroline hopes this will help BME students explore their options better. After graduation, Caroline hopes to work as a software engineer in a biomedical company. In her free time, Caroline enjoys hiking, cooking, and spending time with family and friends.

Second Year Representative
Tania Rizwan
Hi everyone! I’m Tania and I’m currently in my second year, majoring in Biomedical Engineering. I also help run a small non-profit organization called Yyc Aid and I’m also a part of Jack.org. As Second Year Representative, I hope to help develop a connection between the students and the club, as to better engage and support students. I’m excited to help host some fun events and create a strong sense of community between us all. I enjoy going out and watching movies!

Graphic Design Commissioner
Haden Scheirman
Hi everyone! My name is Haden, I am a 2nd year biomedical engineering student. As the graphics design commissioner, I strive to represent the faculty and create designs that spark interest in biomedical engineering. I design posters, graphics, and social media posts for BMESS. After my studies, I hope to work in the world of stem cells and improve biomaterial integration. During my free time, I love to go hiking, spend time with friends and family, and play virtual reality.

External Commissioner & First Year Representative
Seleem Badawy
Seleem is a 1st-year engineering and business student with plans to get involved with biomedical engineering. As External Commissioner, Seleem aims to continue connecting students to industry and the growing biomedical engineering community in Alberta. As First Year Representative, he hopes to promote and inform first year students about biomedical engineering (especially the new BME major) as an educational and career path. Seleem has been deeply interested in biomedical engineering since starting biomedical research at UCalgary in Grade 10 and being involved with the larger Biomedical Engineering Society. In his spare time, Seleem enjoys watching and reading social and political commentaries, playing the alto saxophone, and winning in tennis.

Sponsorship Commissioner
Michele Pham
Michele is a second-year software engineering student with a minor in biomedical engineering. As sponsorship commissioner, she hopes to connect with sponsors that will support and inform students about the BME industry. While working closely with the VP of Finance, she will help in managing funds and budgets for events that are inclusive to all BMESS members. Aside from academics, Michele spends her spare time baking, playing with her dog, and finding new music.

Special Events Commissioner
Eremiah Fikre
Eremiahs is a fourth year Civil Engineering student with a minor in Biomedical Engineering. As the Special Events Commissioner, he hopes to encourage faculty engagement through various engineering events during the course of the year. Eremiahs' academic interests include Artificial Intelligence in Biomedical Engineering and Intelligent Transport Systems. Outside of engineering, Eremiahs enjoys playing basketball and guitar.

External Commissioner
Katana Guard
My name is Katana Guard and I'm in my third year of Chemical Engineering with a Biomedical minor. I hope to build a career connected to the biomedical field as I am passionate about many of it's related topics, specifically the brain, heart, and pharmaceuticals. When I am not working on schoolwork you can usually find me hiking, watching movies, or with my friends.